Per Debba’s wishes, contributions in her memory may be made to “The Debba Curtis Fund for Students in Need” at the Waynflete School. Memorial contributions may be mailed to Waynflete School, c/o the Development Office, 360 Spring Street, Portland, ME 04102.
The Debba Curtis Fund for Students in Need provides financial assistance over and above the operating budget to Waynflete students, of all ages, who are receiving substantial financial aid awards, and for whom extra financial assistance is necessary. Such assistance will take the form of school supplies, café meals, transportation, college visits, academic support, athletic equipment, and any other school activities as necessary for student’s full participation in the Waynflete program.
Gifts to Waynflete School in memory of Debba Curtis that are not otherwise restricted by the donor.
Terms and Conditions:
1. Stewardship contacts for this fund shall be Will Donovan and Ned Donovan.
2. The gifts specified above shall be used to create with the School an endowment fund to be known as The Debba Curtis Fund for Students in Need (the “Fund”). The assets of the Fund may be merged or pooled for investment and investment management purposes with the general endowment or other assets of the School and managed and invested in accordance with School policy and procedure, but shall be entered on the books and records of the School as the “Debba Curtis Fund for Students in Need.” Distributions in support of the above gift purpose and reasonable fees associated with securing, raising, investing, and administering such funds shall be charged to the Fund.
3. The Fund shall be a permanent endowment held by the School. Income of the Fund shall be used for the purpose indicated above, and shall be determined in accordance with the spending policy established by the Board of Trustees.
4. Waynflete is under no obligation to expend income in any given year. Should the School be unable or choose not to expend monies in a given year, the income from the Fund earned in said year may be retained and expended for the purposes of the Fund in subsequent years or may be re-invested.
5. If in the future the purpose for which the Fund was established is no longer available or practical, the School’s Board of Trustees is authorized to amend the terms of this Agreement to an alternative purpose which, in the sole discretion of the School’s Board of Trustees, as closely as possible approximates and furthers the Donor’s intention in establishing the Fund. The School will make reasonable efforts to seek input from the Stewardship Contacts. If, however, the Stewardship Contact cannot be located or is unable to or declines to provide guidance, Waynflete may broaden restrictions or designate an alternate use for the Fund in whole or in part without notifying or seeking approval of the Attorney General or any court.