From *Sea to Shining Sea* as we develop Innovation 4.0 Train the Trainer Materials

Over the next 7 weeks, we will be developing Audio, Video, and Written Materials that form the basis of our Train the Trainer Program. From our nation’s highways, byways, dirt roads and National Parks, we will be publishing answers to the following questions.

We’ll be at Teton National park on August 21st for the Solar Eclipse! Let us know if you’ll be there. We invite you to provide your own thoughts in the comments or to recommend additional topics, or by e-mail at

Curriculum Abstracts

  1. What feelings are inspired by the word “Havoc”?
  2. How do you thrive in havoc?
  3. What is Humility?
  4. What is Opportunism? Is it a good or bad quality?
  5. What is Compassion? Why should we be compassionate?
  6. Why is Authenticity important? What happened to ‘fake it ‘til you make it’?
  7. Why is Vision important?
  8. Does everyone have a trust circle?
  9. How do you build trust?
  10. Why should we boil the ocean?
  11. How do you find your customer’s why?
  12. What is the relationship between Frustrations and Inspirations, Paradox (especially between Chaos and Structure/Clarity), Injustice, and having a Secret?
  13. What is design thinking?
  14. Why is empathy so important?
  15. What is a Course of Action (COA) and why are they important?
  16. What are some challenges associated with prototyping?
  17. What is psychological safety?
  18. What is communicating like Dan Roam?
  19. What is an unfair advantage?
  20. What are “gorecasts?” How do they compare with forecasts?
  21. How do you thrive in ambiguity?


  1. How does Havoc relate to the job application process?
  2. How can you be humble and opportunistic?
  3. Why should you try to do the impossible?
  4. Why is Trust cyclical?
  5. I don’t know anyone! How do you expand your Network?
  6. How should you treat those who are outside of the Trust Circle or those you distrust? Do the rules of Havoc still apply?
  7. How can I use my unfair advantage to get ahead?
  8. Does Havoc exist in the workforce?
  9. Why is it so easy to lose trust and hard to gain?
  10. How can I use Havoc in school?


  1. When did a failure in humility cause a trust event?
  2. When did a failure in authenticity cause a trust event?
  3. When did a failure in vision cause a trust event?
  4. When did a failure in opportunism cause a trust event
  5. When did a failure in compassion cause a trust event?
  6. When was the first time you convinced someone of something of consequence?

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